I'm not sure who is experiencing this right now or have lost hope and give in to steriods! I am glad that despite the years of challenges & spikes with my love ones, I never lose hope as she's my precious. Mummy out there who are going thru this, I'm not sure how you feel but every moment that I go through with her from dressing to application make my heart aches. However, I've to continuously uplift, encourage her that she will be alright. And after days to weeks to months, with Superfruit juice and RESET, we see the improvement in her condition. I hope that my sharing will be able to bring Hope to you and help the little one or mummy out there. Just let me know and I'll be pleased to journey together with you in the healing process with my princess ❤ #Eczema #eczemaproblem #eczemarelief #skinallergy #diet #DietarySupplement #warriorprincess #motherhood #motherdaughterlove #love
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