Hi im currently 5 weeks after my c section.I am full breastfeeding mum.But i notice my whole body ache.I took panadol everytime i feel in pain but never make me feel better.Anyone who go through before like this.I almost cant hold my LO to breastfeed😪😪 Especially my back and my hip🥲🥲#firsttimemom #advicepls #pleasehelp #advisepls #tiredness
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#milkstrike #notdrinking My baby is 4 months and he struggles and cry when we try to feed him using different bottles. Breast milk or formula. He will drink as low as 30ml each time. He only finish his feed during 1 night feed at 150. Total milk intake can be as low as 400ml plus when he is at 6.8kg. Won’t cry for milk. It’s like he is never hungry. Day time he might drink 100ml in the morning at 10am, 50ml at 3pm(force feeding), 50ml at 7pm then 120ml at maybe 10pm. Is this normal?#advicepls #firstbaby #tiredness
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Hi Mummies, i am currently 4 month postpartum and my milk is decreasing. Any recommendation to boost my milk supply? I only manage to do powerpumping every day only at night , as in the day i have to do housechores and send my toddler to school. My 4 month old have gotten sick back to back so i didnt let her latch much as i'm afraid she will get dehydrated. But ever since then, my milk keep dropping cause i didnt let her latch or she just too tired to even latch as much. She got sick often as her brother started playground. So for now about 3 month they get sick every or two week. The stress of taking care of newborn toddler all alone as husband works. And the thought of housechore keep compiling. And i really want to breastfeed my child but my supply is very low. #pleasehelp #advicepls #tiredness
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