Hi mommies! I'm 33 weeks + 6 days now and I'm so tired all the time but can't sleep either. I dread going to work now because of travelling and I can't sit for long hours straight. I'm on iron pills due to low blood count since I was 28 weeks and I oftentimes blackout. Do you all think if I request HL, it will be given? | heard public hospitals are not so generous in giving out HL. Please do help me out. Thank you in advance! #1stimemom #needadviceplease
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Hi, I’ve yet to make any appointment for my current pregnancy but was wondering has anyone switched from KKH subsidised to TMC? My first was at TMC and I really love it but that was years back. It was quite pricey so I’m exploring options is going to kkh subsidized first then TMC would save abit cost? Anyone did it before? Is it cheaper? #firstTime_mom #firstmom #advicepls #needadviceplease
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