Baby scan shows baby has big tummy
Hi, I was told that my baby's tummy is slightly bigger than usual. And the doctors asked if I did any downsyndrome test, which I did not. I am currently 33weeks pregnant. Any of you guys ever been told that your ultrascan shows that baby's tummy is bigger than usual? I'm googling and the answers are all over the place. #firstbaby #1stimemom #1stpregnnt #advicepls #1stbaby
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Recommendation on supplements for husb’s swimmers
If anyone has any issues with low motility and low sperm count, I highly recommend iHerb. My husb’s sperm count was only bare minimum 1mil post-wash for 1st SOIUI. He tried consuming these (has to be eaten all 3 tgt) about less than 2 weeks. And his post wash increase significantly to 9mil for our 2nd SOIUI. Alhamdullilah. It was a success for the 2nd SOIUI. Looking forward to our first scan on 31/05/21. Any advices for us to prep for 1st scan? #advicepls #1stbaby #newmummy
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12 weeks prenavit and fish oil sufficient?
hello everyone. i notice most of the mummies here have been prescribed obimin or other vitamins by gynae for 12 weeks onwards. however for 12 weeks i’ve only been prescribed prenavit(since week 4) and fish oil (just started). is it sufficient ? or do i need to self purchase other vitamin supplements separately? Thank you so much 😊 #1stbaby #12weeks
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