What are the important factors I need to consider for a good preschool in Singapore? Please let me know what influenced your decision-making

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First of all, same as mummy Samantha, I will choose based on the curriculum that I believed in, i.e. Montessori. 1. Curriculum: Most of the preschools are based on thematic learning. Montessori school, Reggio Emillia, International preschool are very expensive compared to normal preschool. 2. School distance from School: I set priority when looking for schools that are montessori based and narrowed down my search based on the distance from my house. It will be tiring for kid to travel on a long journey and thus try to choose school that is nearer to your house. 3. School Environment: It depends on your preferences. Some parents prefer non-aircon, own outdoor compound for children to run around and close to nature, cleanliness of the school, safety measures taken by the school e.g. safety gates, meals (in-house or catering), size of the school and etc. 4. Teachers: whether they are open to feedback and communication. Normally during the visit I will ask how will be the two ways of communication method adopted by the teachers. However, this will only be known after your child has started school. There was once, I am very satisfied with the school but in the end I withdraw my daugther as the teacher communication is in chaotic, where they didn't track my fees payment. After I shorlisted a few, I will read up more reviews and feedback from internet. After that I will pay a visit to each school and make comparisons on their curriculum, school environment (clean and safe) and the ways of teachers handling the students. Some preschools provide trial period, e.g. 1 to 2 weeks trial class. You can join the trial class first before deciding.

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Programme curriculum: There are many types of preschools out there. Montessori, reggio emillia, multiple intelligence, just to name a few. Take some time to visit the different schools to find out what exactly you would like your child to be in. The programme should be a holistic programme that places equal emphasis on nurturing a child who loves to learn, moral and values education and academics. Parent-school partnership is also important so find out what are the different ways the school works together with parents for the growth and learning of your child. Staff: I think the staff is very important as well. Talk to the principal to understand more about the staff situation. Observe whether the teachers are genuinely happy teaching there. I've had my encounter of a great programme but not so good teachers. That definitely wouldn't work. There are some other factors as well but I think these 2 are the main factors. These are what I looked at when I visited the preschools that I'm keen in. Let me know if you need any recommendations of good preschools.

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What is my view on a good preschool and I list them down and research on the preschools based on my view of what is a good preschool. Every preschool has their own advantages and it's not critical in my consideration. More importantly is my criteria to search for a preschool, which is distance, environment hygiene and safety.

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Distance to workplace or home. Price. How loving the Teachers are. Is the curriculum bilingual.
