My LO had a fall and her front tooth got pushed back slightly into her gums.. Anyone has similar experience and can advice if the her dental growth will be affected. ?

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This should help you: The article basically says your child will need treatment within 6 hours for a painful injury that involves the tooth being moved from its position. So please get in touch with a dentist soon as you can.

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How old is your LO? I won't be too worried as it's still milk tooth. It will eventually drop when they turn 6-7yo.

7y ago

yes abit. i brought to dentist.. thankfully no need to extract.

Doubt it will affect. if you are concerned better to take to the dentist and check. I won't worry much about it.

7y ago

Ive brought to the dentist. he says it may take the adult tooth longer to come in. since the baby tooth suffered trauma.. up to a year.

oh dear. I hope that doesn't happen. on a brighter side, the adult tooth will grow! that's a relief.