Hi mummies anyone have discharge like this?

I noticed that sometimes my discharge has this colour and consistency. Its not itchy, but I’m just paranoid.

Hi mummies anyone have discharge like this?
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abit greenish so better to double check w your gynae. Ibalso have alot of discharges esp when wearing pantyliners. at one point of time, I just opted for regular pad bcs the discharges are alot. My gynae told me actually pantyliners n the pads are making the discharge worse as the vagina is not able to breathe and all moisture are trapped inside,henve the discharge. she advised to just use toilet paper and voila it did get better :)

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Had this. I was hospitalised and on bed rest at the time due to early cervix opening, so got immediate medical attention when I noticed a similar greenish discharge. No itchiness. The doctor said it was possibly a yeast infection and gave me some suppositories to treat it. That helped.

VIP Member

Lol i never track that much but i do need to change out my panties /pantliners x3 a day.. Doesn't itch either but i think due to e high moisture down there plus sweat, i feel it smell mores. Guess I'm having as much as discharge as u do.

4y ago

Did you ask your gynae to give you any medication? And how bad does yours smell?

Hi all thanks for your inputs. I checked with my gynae and she did a vaginal swab for me. Turns out yes I have an infection: yeast and BV. So she gave me a 10 days course of flagystatin pessaries. Hopefully it won’t recur.

4y ago

Take care babe, whenever in doubt check with the gynae.

Better to get check for any infections.. I had an infection in my previous pregnancy and loss my baby at 20 weeks as I was not tested. Better do the checks ..

I had this, is a form of infection after dr tested it. And on 2 courses of antibiotic. Must see dr for this, before it spread to baby when born

I’m having the same discharge today. 18wk 4day today.. I will just wait for my check up on 31 may to ask about the discharge

4y ago

Same, mine too. Somedays i’ll get them, somedays no. No odour no itch.

Its normal, but sometimes can take seriously. Best to see doctor

This looks like infection. Pls check with your Gynae!