Single parent so hard?

Single parent is so hard for my but if I look my son, so easy do it. Any single parent to in here? May be, if any forum or discuss or chit chat anythinh about single parent.. my good right? In my country still not like about single parent,, how in another country?

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Tetap semangat ya, bunda. Meski saya bukan single parent, tapi saya banyak melihat pengalaman bbrp teman saya. Memang akan terasa sulit dan berat, tapi karena mereka berjuang demi anak, semua terasa lebih baik. Bunda, semoga seluruh pengorbananmu tergantikan dengan kebaikan yang banyak. Sehat selalu, bunda. 🤗 Semangat terus practice English-nya. Don’t bother what people say about your English. You’re better than them because you are trying. Now they are laughing at you. At the end of the day, they will be amazed by the way you master English.🤗🤗

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