Pedih hulu hati or sakit perut..

Just sharing.. Lately, im start to feel uncomfortable after eat my meal.? Sakit perut everywhere in my stomach. Not specific area. And sometime at hulu hati. ? Mommies out there pernah kene mcm ni ker??? My solution right now, not taking any medication but just put some oitment (tiger balm soft), jgn terlalu byk. Just right amount and take some rest/sleep. Tahan la sikit sakit tu until the oitment start working. It's really helpful. Make me feel better. Alhamdulillah. ?

Pedih hulu hati or sakit perut..
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For me to treat heartburn is better when u munch something & drink milk. Thats why pple always said "ibu mengandung kena sentiasa makan.." Rupanya pasal heartburn pula.. Kdg2 i malas nak bgun pg dapur cri roti tengah2 malam utk reduce heartburn. So, i stock chewing gum tepi meja katil🤣 It reallllyyy helps 🤣 Suprisingly

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5y ago

I feel you🤣