I’m 6 weeks today and really paranoid about losing the pregnancy.
Just ranting

Same here! Can’t help worrying whether my baby is alright in there and growing healthily or not. On days where i have cramps/lower abdomen pain, i would worry if something is wrong with my baby or myself. When I don’t experience any symptoms, i be worrying again - am i really having baby? 😅 During my first hospital checkup, i was told that I’m very early prob week 4 cos can’t even see the fetus. Waiting eagerly for my next checkup two weeks later, hoping to see a fetus formed healthily. We must keep in mind to stay calm & positive for the sake of our baby and ourselves!
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I have the same feeling as you too!! in addition I have a toddler so sometimes I had to exert a bit of strength or sometimes she will press on my stomach accidentally. very stressful too but try to stay positive and be careful 😊
I'm nervous about that too. What we can do is watch what we eat, prevent putting yourself in a dangeous situations. Exercise moderately, and stay healthy. My sister has a cat and im staying away afraid of toxoplasmosis.
Ya I can’t chill.. just anxiously waiting for next gynae appointment to make sure baby is growing well and first trimester to pass.. not to mention all the weight gain.. it’s making me very stress
Saaamee I'm ftm at 7wks tomorrow and I barely have any symptoms and I'm always so worried if the little bean is even in there and okay coz I can't feel anything, not gaining weight, no nausea..
me too. when people asked me if I'm excited, I don't really feel the excitement yet because I was more of worried about whether baby is healthily forming or not.
Omg same. I am first time mom and at my 6weeks too. Worse is that i do not have any symptoms for pregnancy which makes me feels like not pregnant at all ? 🥴🥴
Got a bun in the oven