Eating curries ok for baby?

Is it ok to eat curries during 1st and 2nd trimester? Ie. Chinese curries, Indian curries, green curries etc. Would it affect the development of baby? Thanks!

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For my first born have jaundice. Theres a aunty told me that i must have eat curries. And seriously.. I craved alot for curries that time. She say curry have 黄姜粉。caused jaundice. So I think don't eat too much..

5y ago

U r right. Limit curries intake

Super Mum

Perfectly ok, as long as everything is properly cooked. Loved curry during my pregnancy! Haha. In fact, it was the only thing I could eat when I was nauseated

Yea I had my fair bits of sour and spicy food throughout my pregnancy but just ensure everything is properly cooked/handled.

Yes, ultimately food during pregnancy is all about a healthy balanced and properly-cooked/clean diet 😊

I think no problem, curries have healthy benefits too!

VIP Member

I think that's fine as long as in moderation :)

Thanks all for the replies!

Super Mum

No problem eating curries

Super Mum

I had once in awhile

VIP Member
