Washing newborn clothes before wear

Hello. Is it necessary to wash all newborn clothes before they wear? Is it necessary to use baby laundry detergent, or is sensitive skin laundry detergent ok?

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Yes, definitely have to wash all baby clothes before letting baby wear. Think it’s better to use baby laundry detergent. I’m currently using PiPPER. I like that it’s hypoallergenic, non irritant and also biodegradable! Don’t have to worry about any toxic residual on the clothes after washing also. It’s also quite effective in removing stains. https://welovesupermom.com/products/pipp0101-pipper-laundry-detergent-lemongrass-900ml

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Yup please wash before wearing, even for adults’ clothing too. You can use baby detergent or a eco-friendly detergent that uses mostly natural components (eg seventh generation, bio home, ecover, method) for the whole family’s laundry. The key thing is to avoid chemicals found in detergent as they may cause baby’s sensitive skin to react.

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yes on washing baby clothes before wearing. i used to handwash every piece during pregnancy with baby shampoo. until after confinement i accumulate his clothes and wash 1 shot using machine and normal detergent. but i will put less amount of detergent and make sure rinse twice before tumble dry.

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Hi. It is advisable to wash all newborn clothes before wearing but not a must. I just rinsed my newborn clothes with warm water and dry under the sun. Didn’t use any detergent as the clothes are not dirty and I don’t like to input chemicals into newborn clothes.

Yes, best to wash. The clothes come from factories and not sure if it’s clean or dirty. Also have to be sent from overseas in containers and placed on store racks for a long duration before you buy, so a lot of invisible dirt and germs on them!

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Yes wash all the new newborn clothes with baby detergent atleast upto 1 year old. LO skin is very sensitive, you won’t know yet if you’re LO is allergic on something. Better to be safe & keep clean.

yes is necessary, there are dust n dirt which u cant see it! baby can cry due to discomfort or itchiness,so better wash with baby detergent which is mild fragrance and more gentle than normal detergent

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yes. it is necessary to wash all newborn clothes before let them wear. you can wash with warm water or baby laundry detergent as their clothes is not dirty at all. but their skin is very sensitive.

Absolutely! The same with adult clothes. You have no idea how they were transported or then stored so this is imperative for your LO's wellbeing. Baby laundry detergent is advisable.