Do you think its necessary to celebrate anniversary?
Do you think its necessary to celebrate anniversary?
Voice your Opinion
Yes, of course!

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Tulis jawapan
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yes and depend for the individual ....for me its important..coz celebrate it together with my husband birthday..coz our anniversary at the same month with my husband birthday we do the both celebration on the same date .❤ #TAPSupermoms

VIP Member

Yes, my wedding anniversary at 14th Dec and my birthday at 15th Dec. We can make 1 celebration for both birthday and anniversary

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haruslah.. 🥰 #29Dec2020 #IbuRA #22Left #TAPSuperMoms #TAPSuperMomsDec #TAPxTanamera

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ye semestinya..supaya dpt meraikn bersama2.. #TAPSupermoms

Super Mum

yes. .tp xpena smbt lg 🤧

Hari istemewa

Super Mum


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