Is it important to attend all of your kids' school events?
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Yes, we need to show our support!
Sometimes, if we can make it and work allows
No, they probably don't remember if we're there!
Others (please comment!)
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Kids can sense it if you’re not there, and it’s important to see them at their events as it means the world to them, to see them perform Plus they will grow up really quickly
The kids know, though they don’t say it. Will always try to be there :)
Yes i think should make an effort to. They will feel happy and motivated
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I felt that it’s the commitment for our kids as much as we can
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Definitely! You can't get back these precious moments
Sometimes when we are able to make it and work allow
It is so important to your kids that you're there.
VIP Member
its also a good time to get to know the teachers
I would get a loved one to attend if I can't
I try to attend as much as work allows
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