New Mum! Trying to get into SGH subsidised route.
I’m a new & very excited first time mum who has been TTC for 2 years-ish. I am now 6 weeks pregnant, have already been to the polyclinic to get a referral to SGH for SGH subsidised route. (Initially doct wanted to refer me to KKH, but I requested for SGH.) The poly doctor mentioned it’d take 2 days for SGH to schedule my first SGH appointment date with me via SMS/call but it has been more than a week. 1) Does it take a while for SGH to get back to us? Should I just call SGH? 2) Do we usually get to choose the dates? (Ie. Just wondering cause my husband works shifts.) 3) What should I expect of the first SGH appointment? (Ie. procedures, price.) #advice #firsttimemom
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