To induce or not to induce?

Im 39+3 today. At 39 weeks, gynae said my baby weight is 3.1kg & since im 147cm tall, it might get difficult to deliver naturally. She asked if i wanna induce but since im not dilated at all, labour will be 24 to 36 hours. I chose to wait 1 more week to see if my labour starts naturally. My next appt is in 2 days, im stressing out.. To induce or wait....

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Baby gains weight faster in the last few weeks, based on you current situation, baby weight is pretty good and have a high chance of natural delivery. I think listen to your gynae. Induce is pretty common nowadays. Have another talk by sharing ur thoughts to gynae during the upcoming checkup. Ps. Baby weight is estimated, may not so accurate. Mine is under estimated 🙄

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