Feeling Bad

I been feeling very tired during my pregnancy , currently in my 17 weeks . Feeling giddy , nauseous , lower abdominal cramps/pain sometimes during the day. And I got no mood to work at all, but I can’t keep taking MC / leave as I have used up quite a bit of it during my 1st 2 mths of my pregnancy as I have very bad morning sickness. Now sometimes I will force myself to go work when I’m not feeling well which only make myself depress more , some of my colleagues (who never get pregnant and is not married)understands me and will let me rest inside the office but some (who is a mother and father) don’t , they will just give you faces or give bad remarks when you rest inside or when you took MC/Leave ,and cause I’m working in service line which makes things worse and I don’t always get good customers and was even shouted at once when I’m at work . I still got 5more mths to go and I don’t know how long more I can endure . I’m really tired

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I am on 17th week as well. Sometimes I feel tired inside and out, nauseous, got back pains, and I become more introvert than before - makes me realize that it was a good riddance I stopped from working the day my pregnancy was confirmed. My hubby went back working overseas too..so additional mood swings and anxiety. I feel jealous to those other preggy moms with their partners beside them on their entire pregnancy. Imagine me, sleeping on the bed alone, going to the doctor alone, shopping baby stuff alone. I feel you..But we moms have to be strong. Take a rest..This is not only about us, but also for our little one,most.❤ stay positive..something beautiful awaits 🥰

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