my friend was a widow for 10 years and has finally found love. but her 10 year old daughter is against the marriage. how can she make her agree?

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For all of her life the daughter has been the centre of her mother's life and vice-versa. Now another person has come into her mother's life.Attention has been diverted so obviously the girl will feel a little upset and insecure. She's afraid to lose her mum. The daughter must have a lot going through her mind. On one hand there will be a feeling of happiness that she will have a father figure in the man and also someone to end her mother's loneliness. On the other hand she will be sceptical of whether he will accept her like a daughter and will they gel. The mum needs to have a little patience and take time and a little more effort to convince her daughter that this is a pleasant change in their lives. Make the man and her daughter interact a little more and i'm sure she'll come around. At the end of the day,the child is only 10 years old and her mother is all she has known for so long.

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