Feeling depressed. My in-laws expect a boy from us right from the start. We have 3 girls now. And now that am pregnant again, they think the 4th one for sure is a boy. If it's a girl again, they will definitely think something is wrong with me and I am super unlucky not to have a boy at all. Seriously don't feel like announcing my pregnancy to them and also sharing the gender with them.
#1 it was 75% confirm to be a girl and they insists the doctor is talking bullshit. Oh Wells.
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In fact having daughter is much better than son. The trend has changed, cos daughters are more caring and filial compared to son..
Not your fault but hubby's you carry x and hubby carries xy it is what hubby gives you, you produce sis.
VIP Member
Just ignore your inlaws. They won't be the ones living wth your kids for life.
Whatever the gender is, it's a blessing
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Some scientific research shows gender depends on husband's genes so there! Having healthy kids is the most important (:
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don't listen to them, boy or girl it's blessing, if they don't want then cut them off of your life. Toxic sila
There's absolutely nothing wrong with you.. A man determines the sex of the baby not a woman. (educate them if needs be)
hi dearrst,stop stressing remember you don't get to choose..tell hubby to make them understand..children are gifts
Who are they to choose wht gender of ur baby they want. Prang naorder lng s resto. Don't mind them. Focus on ur pregnancy..
First time mommy