Very severe Nausea

Hello Everyone I am 11 weeks and 2 days pregnant. As i told earlier that i have been suffering from very bad nausea and now the symptoms changed and i also vomit once or twice a week and have giddy. I went to see my Gynae she prescribed me Diclectin for nausea. After taking the medicine my condition was very much improved but now my medicine is finished and on Monday i am having exams for my Degree. Now i am very stress without the medicine how i am going to give my exams. Is there any alternative way to help me with my nausea? My next gynae appt is on 13th August and before that i have a Fetal scan appt on 1st August. Just curious to know that on the 1st August i will be able to know the baby gender or not! Plz help me🙏.#advice #pregnancy

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