Meals For Good For Appendicitis Recovery Patients

My boy just got discharged from his 7 days long stay in hosp from a bad Appendicitis. He was craving for food, I want to prepare delicious meals and yet healthy for him.

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Squash Orange or dark yellow squash is an easy to digest and soft food that can help the surgery wound heal faster. Squash is an excellent source of LaValle note, Spreen, Zand and beta carotene, which your system needs for making Vitamin A; this nutrient is extremely helpful because it encourages proper healing. You can consider adding pureed and cooked squash shortly after having the appendix surgery, but if you want to eat other foods that contain beta carotene, then you may want to include leafy greens in your diet. One thing to keep in mind is that the greens and carrots need to be well cooked so they're softer and thus easier to digest. Yogurt The foods you need to eat after having appendix surgery need to be easy to digest and soft so that they don't cause vomiting or nausea. Not only does yogurt fit these requirements, but at the same time it will also help with healing process. As your appetite returns you should continue to consume yogurt and make it a vital part of your diet until your stomach will regain its strength to accept regular food. To ensure your body can digest it, it's best to start with just a few spoons of yogurt. If your stomach doesn't reject it, then you should consider having more. If you're not sure about the type of yogurt you should have, many people actually have low-sugar yogurt since it's much easier to digest. it's best if you can avoid eating lettuce, broccoli and baked beans. On the other hand, there are also various types of sugars that you should not eat because they may cause abdominal discomfort. To offer you some examples, they include fructose, sucrose and lactose (a natural sugar that’s found in dairy products). You should also avoid starches like wheat, pasta, corn and potatoes, because they produce gas when breaking down in the large intestine. The better and healthier your choices, the faster your Son will regain his strength and feel much better.

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snakehead (fresh from market) soup is good for healing. You can go to Chinese Medical Hall to buy the herbs. Try to avoid Chicken. Sharing this info cozz my cousin had appendicts surgery b4. Take care.

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Try bland, low-fat foods like plain rice, broiled chicken, toast, and yogurt. Drink plenty of fluids!

Dear Mum For some days please try bland diet and lots of fluids for your kid :)

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Fish soup